luxury bed linen - An Overview

According to the 2009 U.S. Families' Organic Attitudes and Belief Study, nearly three-quarters (73 percent) of U.S. families buy organic products at least occasionally, chiefly for health reasons. The study also shows that three in ten U.S. families (31 percent) are actually buying more organic products compared to a year ago, with many parents preferring to reduce their spending in other areas before targeting organic product cuts. In fact, 17 percent of U.S. families said their largest increases in spending in the past year were for organic products.

Consumer interest in purchasing organic bedding products is rising despite the difficult economic situation. And even demand of organic bedding products exceeds the supply, because there are only few organic bedding manufacturers and raw material suppliers and too many people willing to buy organic bedding and organic mattresses out there. What makes organic bedding products to stay in demand?

To avoid products that rely on pesticides, additives, toxins or other chemicals

To promote overall health

To avoid products that rely on antibiotics or growth hormones

To avoid genetically modified products

To support the environment

Health reasons other than allergies

To support organic manufactures and retailers.

What materials are used to manufacture organic bedding products?

Only finest organic materials should be used in organic mattresses and organic bedding products and accessories, such as organic sheets, blankets, pillows, moisture mattress pads, barrier covers and etc. Not everything what is called "organic" is truly %100 organic.

% 100 Certified Organic Cotton is cotton which is grown from non-genetically modified plants without using pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, toxins and other chemicals in order to meet special organic standards and requirements of USDA National Organic Program. Premium organic cotton is soft and beautiful. For a silky smooth feeling look for a high thread count certified organic cotton fabric. It's %100 vegan.

% 100 Certified Organic Wool is wool from organically raised happy sheep. Then it is organically processed in order to remove dust, vegetation and excess oils from wool fibers. Organic wool is truly universal panacea! It absorbs your body moisture and then releases it into the atmosphere, acts as naturally flame retardant, doesn't harbour a harmful bacteria. It's beneficial for those who suffer from joint, arthritis and fibromyalgia pains. It's also hypoallergenic, dust-mite and mildew resistant.

Natural Latex Rubber is made from the sap of actual rubber tree without use of harsh plasticizers and chemicals, which are used in synthetic foam mattresses. It is used to construct mattresses cores, mattress pads and pillows. Natural rubber is supportive and gently yielding to the body and it's absolutely breathable. It's also naturally anti-microbial, hypoallergenic, dust-mite and mildew resistant. Natural latex rubber products are a great option for vegans.

If you suffer from multiple chemical sensitives, it is highly recommended to use certified organic bedding products. The organic materials listed above are all natural and hypoallergenic, however there is no %100 guarantee. Please request a sample swatches of materials from manufacturer or retailer before making any purchases if you are not sure.

According to the 2009 U.S. Families' Organic Attitudes and Belief Study, nearly three-quarters (73 percent) of U.S. families buy organic products at least occasionally, chiefly for health reasons. The study also shows that three in ten U.S. families (31 percent) are actually buying more organic products compared to a year ago, with many parents preferring to reduce their spending in other areas before targeting organic product cuts.

Consumer interest in purchasing organic bedding products is rising despite the difficult economic situation. And even demand of organic bedding products exceeds the supply, because there are only few organic bedding manufacturers and raw material suppliers and too many people willing to buy organic bedding and organic mattresses out there. This causes the frequent manufacturing and delivery delays of organic bedding products. People lining up to get organic mattresses or bedding. What makes organic bedding products to stay in demand? There are many reasons for that, which bring people to decision to go organic. Here are some of the reasons listed below:

To avoid products that rely on pesticides, additives, toxins or other chemicals

To promote overall health

To avoid products that rely on antibiotics or growth hormones

To avoid genetically modified products

To support the environment

Health reasons other than allergies

To support organic manufactures and retailers.

What materials are used to manufacture organic bedding products?

Only finest organic materials should be used in organic mattresses and organic bedding products and accessories, such as organic sheets, blankets, pillows, moisture mattress pads, barrier covers and etc. However not everything what is called "organic" is truly %100 organic. The reputable manufacturer or retailer should always offer organic certifications for public viewing. Make sure to view certifications prior purchasing.

% 100 Certified Organic Cotton is cotton which is grown from non-genetically modified plants without using pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, toxins and other chemicals in order to meet special organic standards and requirements of USDA National Organic Program. Premium organic cotton is soft and beautiful. For a silky smooth feeling look for a high thread count certified organic cotton fabric. It's %100 vegan.

% 100 Certified Organic Wool is wool from organically raised happy sheep. Then it is organically processed in order to remove dust, vegetation and excess oils from wool fibers. Organic wool is truly universal panacea! It absorbs your body moisture and then releases it into the atmosphere, acts as naturally flame retardant, doesn't harbour a harmful bacteria. It's beneficial for those who suffer from joint, arthritis and fibromyalgia pains. It's also hypoallergenic, dust-mite and mildew resistant.

Natural Latex Rubber is made from the sap of actual rubber tree without use of harsh plasticizers and chemicals, which are used in synthetic foam mattresses. Natural latex rubber products are a great option for vegans.

It is highly recommended to use certified organic bedding products if you suffer from multiple chemical sensitives. The organic materials listed above are all natural and hypoallergenic, however there is no %100 guarantee. If you are not sure, please request a sample swatches of materials from manufacturer or retailer before making any purchases.

Hands-down, organic bedding is better for the planet. This is especially true when you compare organic bedding options like organic cotton, bamboo, and wool, to conventional wool production. There are many reasons conventional cotton is detrimental to the planet:

Though cotton only uses 2.5% of the world's agricultural land, it consumes 11% of the world's pesticides and, 24% of the world's insecticides making it the dirtiest and most toxic crop humans cultivate.

Three of the most commonly used insecticides for cotton crops are considered hazardous by the World Health Organization.

Up to one-third pound of fertilizers (made from fossil fuel byproducts) is used to grow one pound of cotton, so your T-shirt is more chemical than cotton. Nitrogen-based synthetic fertilizers pollute waterways and leech nutrients from the soil.

Because of lax or non-existent safety standards, most cotton is farmed in developing countries where farmers use chemical fertilizers and pesticides without wearing protective clothing.

To finish conventional cotton, hazardous chemicals like silicone waxes, toxic softeners, heavy metals, ammonia, and formaldehyde are used, many of which flow freely into streams and lakes without treatment, killing aquatic ecosystems.

By contrast, organic cotton is grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides. Instead, farmers who grow organic cotton use things like manure and cover crops to add nutrients, which also help to increase the biological ecosystem in soil. Finishing organic cotton is also more eco-friendly as the processing standards prohibit the use of harsh chemicals.

Despite the fact that the World Trade Organization declared US farming subsidies illegal in 2005, including those offered to cotton farmers, they continue today, get more info causing harm to small farmers. Here's why:

Ten percent of the conventional cotton farmers in the US receive 78% of the subsidies. Some big farms receive in excess of $1 million each.

Sixty-eight percent of US non-organic cotton is then exported well below production costs.

Small-scale farmers in Africa are not able to sell their cotton at reasonable prices because of how America dumps its cotton on the market, sometimes making as little as $400 per year for their crops.

Choosing natural alternatives to conventional sleep systems by looking for organic cotton in your organic mattresses and organic bedding therefore helps small farmers, protects ecosystems, and results in a healthier finished product for you.

And even demand of organic bedding products exceeds the supply, because there are only few organic bedding manufacturers and raw material suppliers and too many people willing to buy organic bedding and organic mattresses out there. Only finest organic materials should be used in organic mattresses and organic bedding products and accessories, such as organic sheets, blankets, pillows, moisture mattress pads, barrier covers and etc.% 100 Certified Organic Cotton is cotton which is grown from non-genetically modified plants without using pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, toxins and other chemicals in order to meet special organic standards and requirements of USDA National Organic Program. And even demand of organic bedding products exceeds the supply, because there are only few organic bedding manufacturers and raw material suppliers and too many people willing to buy organic bedding and organic mattresses out there. Only finest organic materials should be used in organic mattresses and organic bedding products and accessories, such as organic sheets, blankets, pillows, moisture mattress pads, barrier covers and etc.

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